Weekly Activities


It is of utmost importance that children enjoy their learning experience and make friends with ease. We value sharing through games and activities and listening to each other’s achievements and problems. As carers, we guide the children towards making their own choices and becoming more independent.



At Cornerstone day nursery, problem-solving is fun and purposeful. The children enjoy hands-on experiences through investigations and problem-solving. Number work, shape, colour, sorting, matching and size are the main areas covered through our topic work.

Through a variety of colourful and exciting resources, the children have opportunities to play games and puzzles and learn through rhymes and number songs. Children develop the mental capabilities needed for a successful transition into primary as well as secondary school.



Opportunities to explore sand, water, arts and craft are available to all the children and encourages imaginative play. This area provides a variety of tools and resources from which structured and unstructured activities can be carried out. Musical instruments are available for the children to play with and learn about. Through this they have an opportunity to hear about music from around the world accompanied by tapes and songs. We also offer opportunities for role play, dance and drama.



It is important that the children feel comfortable and safe in their surroundings and understand daily routines. We encourage the children to explore the world around them using their senses and to communicate their findings through different mediums.

Through simple experiments, we will begin to develop their early scientific skills. We encourage parent participation in the children’s learning journey by providing home links to events, activities ongoing at the setting. Children are giving opportunities to learn about other people within their community and other cultures, religions, beliefs at large. The interactive board, the computer, cameras and other forms of technology further provide extended opportunities for learning in this area.



Children learn how to move and handle things or objects safely. Health matters and self-care routines and skills are treated as a matter of prime importance. Toileting, potty training, tooth brushing, dressing independently, obstacle courses, learning to progress from crawling to standing/walking are all supported in this area.



Through various speaking and listening situations the children are constantly interacting with their peers and adults and developing their speaking and listening skills. These situations include circle times, role play, group games, sharing and taking turns, snack time (snack cafe) where each individuals’ contribution is valued. […]


The importance of this area cannot be overemphasised. We offer an exciting range of books that the children can choose from, encourage them to share books with their peers and adults and to participate in story time. Through these activities, the children will be developing pre-reading skills and we hope their love for books. A reading scheme will be offered to those children who are ready for a more structured approach about a term before they start school.
